Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Development Communicaion Class- Activity 1

Instructions: It’s Research Day!  Utilize the books in the library and other references online. Answer the following questions through my blog (themcprofessor.blogspot.com) on or before July 13, 2013 (Saturday). A hard copy must be submitted next Wednesday- July 17, 2013 (short bond paper, double-spaced, Times New Roman size 12).

1.      Development Communication has five areas of practice. Identify each , and determine whether these five are all practiced in the Philippines.
2.      Research on the characteristics of  community media. Check Frances Berrigan’s articles or his website for the details.
3.      Expound the term development journalism which was coined by Alan Chalkey in 1970. Mention the three- fold job of a dev journ. Also consider the explanation of Juan Jamias on dev journ.
4.      How is learning system design relevant to development communication. Look into Cadiz’ explanation. Provide a concrete example for this (at least one implemented output whether local or international).