For one to be successful in the his campaign, he must consider the things in persuading the target audience. Considering that the audiences are active, the source of the message/campaign should be able to win both their attention and trust.
There Theories of Persuasion and Change will help you further in this process.
Theories of persuasion and change
Plato: Rhetoric is “the art of winning the soul by discourse.”
Erika Lindemann: “Rhetoric is a form of reasoning about probabilities, based on assumptions people share as members of a community.”
Rhetoric is the art of discovering ways to make the truth seem more probable to an audience that isn’t completely convinced.
- Aristotle
Rhetorical theory is the offshoot of the various studies on rhetoric benchmarked from the collected lectures rendered by Aristotle during his teaching years in the Plato Academy. It may also be defined as persuasion through speech
3 Classification of speech
ž Courtroom (forensic) speaking
ž Political (deliberative) speaking
ž Ceremonial (epideictic) speaking
1. Rhetorical Theory
Rhetorical theory is the offshoot of the various studies on rhetoric benchmarked from the collected lectures rendered by Aristotle during his teaching years in the Plato Academy. It may also be defined as persuasion through speech.
Aristotle was the student of Plato during the Greek civilization. He became a respected instructor at Plato’s academy.
3 Rhetorical Proofs
Logical (logos) – the lines of argument that make sense
Ethical (ethos) – the perceived credibility of the speaker
Emotional (pathos) – the stroke of response from the audience
2. Behavioral Theory
In this theory, the body of effects in receivers, relevant and instrumental to source-desired goals, brought about by process in which messages have been a major determinant of those effects.
Five Characteristics of Behavioral Theory
1. Relevance of Effects
2. Instrumentality of Persuasion
3. Importance of Messages
4. Involvement of Choice
5. Personal and Interpersonal Nature of Persuasion
Persuasion Process
Four Kinds of Action (with the given example)